
Kindel Furniture

What you're about to see may register as the most bland, uninviting, run of the mill stuff that you could put in your home, but to me, the clean lines, fresh colour combinations, impeccable visitation of my favourite furniture eras, and the fact that it's not second-hand REALLY appeal to me! All I need now is a job that pays double what I'm making (not to mention the ability to not spill shit on anything white, the moment I walk into a room), and I'm set to buy the furniture of my dreams.
all photos c/o http://www.kindelfurniture.com/

Hazel Cabinet

Serafina Side Chair

Mayflower Bed

Dorothy Draper's Console and Curio

Draper Slipper Chair

Stella Lounge Chair

1 comment:

annie said...

Stella lounge chair dude